Predstavljamo pekrasne radove turske slikarice koja se zove Hülya Özdemir , te stvara u fantastičnom, tradicijom bogatom Istambulu.
Portretira uglavnom apstraktne ženske likove koristeći vodene boje.
Autorica inspiraciju pronalazi u svakodnevnim teškoćama sa kojima se žene susreću; društveno nametnutim stereotipima, tradicijama i normama.
Kroz živopisne slike “oslobađa ih” i prikazuje kao jake, čini ih središtem i glavnim protagonisticama svoje vizije. svakako vidi snagu u ovim prekrasnim radovima.
Tekst napisala : Andreja Rezniček Mehun (@andyremeh)
Presenting the beautiful artwork by a Turkish painter Hülya Özdemir who is based in majestic city of Istanbul.
She manly creates portraits of beautiful women in an abstract way, using watercolors.
The author finds inspiration in the everyday difficulties that women face; socially imposed stereotypes, traditions and norms.
Through her lively paintings she liberates them and shows them as strong, makes them the central point by giving them the main protagonist role in her visions. definitely recognizes the power of these lovely paintings.
All credits to Hülya Özdemir – the artist
Text by : Andreja Rezniček Mehun (@andyremeh)